Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Relation between matter and motion?

Why do people grow old? Why is graying of hair or weakening of muscles attributed to age? What is this age? Why do people become weak at old age. Below, i put a theory to relate motion to time and time to matter.
I am 26 years old now and am healthy and all the organs are perfectly alright. Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee is today 86 years old and suffering from multiple problems. If both of us were born healthy, why is that Mr Vajpayee is suffering today. Age is a straight forward answer.

But what the hell is this age? Is age time? Is time linear motion? Is it rotation? Is it revolution? Look at this, the earth has gone round the sun 86 times since Ataljee's birth and 26 times since my birth. So there has been more motion of earth since his birth. Can this motion be attributed to age? Is weakening of body organs, graying of hair attributed to age which in turn is attributed to motion (Not necessarily motion of earth).

So matter (graying of hair or weakening of heart) is dependent on motion (motion of earth). If they are related, it must be is some relation. How about their dimensions? are they equal on both sides.?At the outset No, since the LHS is angular motion and the right handside????(change in colour of hair, weakening of lungs etc). What happens when we die?? matter disappears(or does it?) and motion continues.

Moving ahead, What is responsible for motion? Let us treat motion as an independent variable (or is it?). Surely there are other bodies keeping the earth in its position and responsible for its motion. May be gravitational force of sun, other planets,.What is responsible for other planets to be in their respective position? May be Other planets and sun. What is responsible for the solar system to be in its position and its motion, the galaxy. What is responsible for the galaxy to be in its position and motion? influences of other galaxies.

At the instant of birth (or conception), there are a fixed set of coordinates (time and space)(Does time and space merge somewhere?). These coordinates are unique to every birth (highly debatable and questionable). So the instant we are born , there is a set of planetary and galaxial influences on us (Influence in terms of force, magnitude of which is dependent on space(location)).To substantiate, the planetary or galaxial influences on every point of the earth is not uniform. (think of g, earth's own gravity is not uniform). So at any instant of birth, there is a set of influences which are unique. Every change in location(space) brings with it a change in influence, the magnitude of change is a function of original influence or force. So the change in matter is not only dependent on motion but also space dependent in turn on motion.

As an example, two people born at the same instant of time only 1 M apart or 1 mm apart may grow world apart in attitude, intelligence and physiology.Because distances magnify with space and time so does forces of influence.


  1. Your observation is very interesting...But do try and answer the questions that u have raised in the article( based on suitable assumptions)....Looks like u have delved deep in to it....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Time, space and motion are very big concepts.
    The corollary of the theory leads us to a conclusion that time cannot be independent of motion. Because u cannot define time independent of motion(Activity).
    But think of this. You also cannot define a number without an object. There is no way of defining a number in isolation. But Objects cannot be a number and number cannot be object. We know that number can exist without object but cannot define it.
    I am not sure if this theory can hold good for time and motion.
